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Old 05-03-2005, 01:46 PM
MTBlue MTBlue is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 91
Default Re: 2/4 Top two pair

Muscling him out with a min raise? Imo this bet is a pure value bet on the villains part. The only question is what percentage of the time the villain takes this line with ak or 76d which are the only two value hands you beat. The turn is a tough position because the flop bet was so small that it gave odds to the gutshot. Bet double the pot next time on the flop and I think this hand becomes easier to play. (You'll be suprised how many people will call). My line is call the raise and lead out for a 2/3 pot blocking bet on the river if you get raised fold and if you're feeling a little frisky if a diamond falls bet the full pot and hope the villain folds the better hand.
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