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Old 05-03-2005, 09:46 AM
Woolygimp Woolygimp is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 80
Default Re: 5/10 odds to call to a one card flush?

Maybe I gave my opponents too much credit... I didn't expect the streets to be bet so heavy without at least sets/made flushes & possibly nut flush draws. If someone had a set, which was an easy possibility considering the style of betting my % of winning this hand decreases quite a bit. Also theres absolutely know way I can tell if the Kd is out there...

I feel I made the right play, but again I felt i needed to a second opinion. Also I probaly shouldn't have posted their hands, because you can't honestly put someone given their betting situations on A6o or JJ...

I feel since you saw their hands, you were biased against other possibilities.
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