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Old 03-26-2003, 05:05 PM
Homer Homer is offline
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Default Re: Whatever happened to \"Holdem Challenge\"?

Hmm, ok so I was heading in the right direction, other than not considering that no would actually be playing basic strategy. I wonder how much depatures from basic strategy in Holdem Challenge cost the player compared to departures from basic strategy in blackjack. For example, in blackjack, the worst possible player (not really the worst, but worst strategy that a non-maniac would use), who uses a "mimic the dealer", strategy will give the casino a HA of 5.5% (or something close to that). If a Holdem Challenge player decided to use a strategy such as the one below, what would the HA be?

Holdem challenge simple strategy:
(1) Is there a pair? If yes, pick highest pair. If no, go to (2)
(2) Choose hand with the highest card. If two or more hands are tied, go to (3)
(3) Choose hand from (2) with highest second card. If tied, choose hand with same suit, else choose either if both are unsuited.

-- Homer
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