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Old 03-26-2003, 04:14 AM
The_Baron The_Baron is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Western, Washington
Posts: 59
Default Re: So what if the U.S. uses WMD?

This is one of the traditional hypocrisies of warfare. It's not okay for the other guy to do it. Just as it's always best for the other guy to drop his grenade rather than throw it at you. If he does throw it, it's always better to grab him and throw him on top of it. If that doesn't work, of course, you toss your platoon leader on top of it and put him in for a medal.
The reality of it is, the side with the biggest guns gets to set the rules. Iraq can't win. They've brought their entire bankroll plus rent money and those quarters and Canadian dollars they found under the couch. That's every penny they've got. Bill Gates just walked in, bought in and the tournament manager decided to make it unlimited re-buys. They're going to lose.
Their rational decisions now need to be based around doing the fewest number of things that will annoy the attacking force. Standing up, putting a torn sheet on the end of a stick and surrendering is the rational choice. Beyond that, they're just provoking a bigger and bigger ass whipping than they're already getting. Warfare devolves to kindergarten rationales. If the big kid kicks you, you fight back. If the big kid kicks you and a dozen of his even bigger friends join in, you run away. Iraq is the little kid, he's already lost his lunch money and he's better off just giving up.
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