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Old 03-26-2003, 03:57 AM
The_Baron The_Baron is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Western, Washington
Posts: 59
Default Re: What if Saddam uses WMD?

Let's put it in more simplistic terms for you. They shoot at us, they get blown up, this is much better than any of our people getting shot or blown up. It's always better for the other guy to get blown up.
For whatever it's worth, a 2000lb bomb has an effective casualty radius of something on the order of 250 meters. It's effects last something on the order of 2.5 seconds. A 152mm artillery shell loaded with VX nerve agent has an effective casualty radius of roughly 75 meters, it also renders a teardrop shaped area, widening as a function of atmospheric conditions, downwind uninhabitable and lethal for anywhere between days and a few hundred years. The stuff has essentially the consistency of axle grease and lethality measured in micrograms per kilogram. It doesn't just go away. Artillery shells don't come one to a building, they come four or five or ten thousand to a complete fire mission. Work out the numbers using just 2500 rounds fired along a geographic line. Tell me how much area is destroyed by that. Now look at the four foot deep, 25 foot wide blast crater left behind by that 2000lb JDAM.
Get over it, a High Explosive bomb isn't a WMD by any definition. It's just a bomb.

The Baron
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