Thread: Fun w/87s
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Old 05-02-2005, 02:51 PM
sthief09 sthief09 is offline
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Default Re: Fun w/87s

I raise preflop and then you probably maybe don't have to worry about the pesky button and his stupid QJ.

the river is interesting. I don't think most people value bet the river into 3 people with just one pair. I think it gets checked through a lot, and a lot of times he does bet he has you beat. I also don't know about the turn. 13-1 and you have 5 outs. you need slightly more than 4. you could be drawing dead, the 8 could make 64 a straight or Q8 a better 2 pair, and your 7 could easily be dominated against 3 people. this is slightly weak thinking but your outs are a little tainted. I think it's slightly bad, but throw in implied odds and it's slightly good
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