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Old 03-25-2003, 08:19 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Try This Brain Teaser, Then

Mark Heide:

"ABC + NBC + CBS + CNN + FOX are five major American news stations that broadcast government propaganda. Iraqi TV is one major Iraqi news station that broadcasts government propaganda.

Can you identify the subtle hidden flaw?"

Yes, it's the same flaw: you are failing to even roughly quantify anything. You might as well say that a cup of coffee with a teaspoon of sugar is the same as a cup of coffee with 10 tablespoons of sugar. When making comparisons you can't simply list ingredients without quantities/percentages/ratios yet expect to have a meaningful comparison.

A news station that is 100% censored is different than one which is mildly censored, or even moderately censored. Also, censorship by threat of torture and death is different than censorship by subtle coercion.

Finally, the mere fact that news media in the USA frequently print articles highly critical of government policy belies your claim, for in state-controlled media like Iraqi news or Soviet-era Pravda there were never any dissenting views. The diversity of opinion in US news media and editorials is proof that US censorship is mild compared to that of the media of totalitarian regimes where only one view is put forth.

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