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Old 05-01-2005, 11:45 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: Name Calling

"All I (and I assume many Americans) hear from the Dems is what the GOP is doing wrong."

I too think that is what most people hear. I think one of their main problems is that they have no real attractive, interesting, charismatic leaders (with the possible exception of Howard Dean). The star of the party is undoubtedly Bill Clinton and he's not going to be running for anything. As bad a speaker as I think Bill Frist is, Hillary Clinton is worse. The two most vocal Democrats are probably Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy, two old war-horses who likely turn off at least as many people as they turn on. Pelosi and Reid come across, it seems to me, as lightweights. Not necessarily in an intellectual sense, but certainly in a political sense.
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