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Old 04-30-2005, 01:19 PM
magithighs magithighs is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 75
Default Nice Pair & Cheating

After busting out of last year's WSOP, I'm playing 8/16 in one of the better places in Vegas. Treading water for most part, until the seat opens to my left. I look back and much to my surprise, there's a really nice woman with a spaghetti strap tank top with a pair of aces on the front, fully loaded and the words nice pair on the tank top. Indeed.

She sits down next to me and I'm a little bummed, until I start winning like crazy -- clearly the table's got their eyes focused on the nice pair. Now, I don't care about the view.

About an hour after she sits down, I see her very agitated and keeps trying to get the attention of the floor person. She casually mentions (so the table can't hear) that she has a friend from out of town, and wants him to play at her table.

Low and behold her friend (guy) comes to the table and they pretend like they don't know each other. One orbit, and they both pop out to the washroom. It was all done very casually, so no one at the table would notice.

Then, I noticed the tips flying to the dealer from nice pair and her friend. $2 for every pot, no matter how big. Big pots, $5 bucks.

I quickly ask for a seat change. About 2 hours later nice pair and her friend had a mountain of chips and were in the process of leaving. The rest of the tourists were just about down to the felt looking like they were hit by a truck and didn't know what hit them.

I don't know how they were cheating. I didn't care. But I KNOW they were cheating -- they were not that good.

I believe cheating can be vere ffective when fleecing tourists or casual players.

I didn't want to say anything because I had NO proof and didn't want to stick around to find out. And, I didn't want to leave because I got into a great game.

So, what should have I done? How do we protect casual players, so the money keeps comming into the game?

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