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Old 04-29-2005, 02:49 PM
Vincent Lepore Vincent Lepore is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default Re: Can you provecheating? And so what?

From Roy Cooke’s post on Georgiev:
Mind you, this is not a blanket endorsement of everything Russ says; there's lots I just don't have knowledge about. Further, there are differences among what you think is true, what you know is true and what you can prove is true. It concerns me some that Russ doesn’t always differentiate these. He treats all three with equal dignity; he doesn’t distinguish between a fact and a belief ----- a belief which may or may not in truth be a fact, but which in either case cannot be dispositively established.

It is almost impossible to prove the truth or fallacy of any past cheating allegation, and the farther in the past it is the harder it is to prove.

[/ QUOTE ]

Granted, it is not easyto prove cheating. Russ found this out with his (so far, unbounded, possibly unfounded and unprovable?) allegations about poker's respected hiararchy. But to say "so what" as if proof doesn't matter. I just don't get it! Yes, I am not the brighteset candle on the tree but please don't make light of the need to prove allegations against another person, celebrity or not. And this from a "lawyer" no less. Is there anybody out there that agrees with me? O.K. then maybe I am a lunatic.

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