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Old 04-29-2005, 11:34 AM
BobboFitos BobboFitos is offline
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Default Re: pot odds, baby: call preflop allin with Q5s?

i try to not fold sooted hands getting 2:1 closing further action on pfai...

seriously though:
vs an incredibly broad range

equity (%) win (%) / tie (%)

Hand 1: 37.1670 % [ 00.36 00.01 ] { Q5s }
Hand 2: 62.8330 % [ 00.62 00.01 ] { AA-22, AKs-A2s, KQs-KTs, QJs-QTs, JTs, AKo-A2o, KQo-KTo, QJo-QTo, JTo }


it's not too much pos EV. a little tighter range...

equity (%) win (%) / tie (%)

Hand 1: 33.3417 % [ 00.33 00.01 ] { Q5s }
Hand 2: 66.6583 % [ 00.66 00.01 ] { AA-55, AKs-A5s, KQs-KTs, QJs-QTs, JTs, AKo-ATo, KQo-KJo }

and then something slightly more reasonable

equity (%) win (%) / tie (%)

Hand 1: 31.0839 % [ 00.31 00.00 ] { Q5s }
Hand 2: 68.9161 % [ 00.69 00.00 ] { AA-77, AKs-ATs, KQs-KJs, AKo-AJo }

I think you should fold. it's probably not winning or losing too many dollars either way,so no need to add variance
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