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Old 04-28-2005, 07:07 PM
Logik Logik is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 69
Default Re: Pair of Aces Heads Up

I hate to answer with the classic 'it depends' response, but it depends.

It depends on who you're playing. Are you playing an absolute rock, or someone who's really loose in their calling standards? What is YOUR table image?

If you are seen as tight and you get called by someone who is tight:
-They won't try to push you off your overpair
-If they bet heavily into you, they probably have you beat, or have KK or QQ in this particular situation
-Would a tight player who knows that you yourself are tight call with AJ preflop in the first place, and bet their TPTK that heavily? No.

If you are seen as tight and they are loose:
-Call the all-in, they probably put you on a missed AK or something and are trying to bully you out.

If you are seen as loose and they are loose:
-Call the all-in, you're probably way ahead of their AJ.

If you are seen as loose and they are tight:
-He has a made hand, same as the first situation. However in this case the tightie might call preflop with AJs because if he thinks you're loose then he might think he has the best hand.

Feel free to comment on this, but personally for me in that position it's all read dependent and table image too.
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