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Old 03-19-2003, 02:38 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Iraq\'s Coming Collapse: House Of Cards

Just my guess but I think we'll likely see Iraq fold with relatively little bloodshed. Defections, surrenders etc. will be the rule rather than the exception, even possibly among Iraqi top brass.

The U.S. psychological campaign, backed up by credible and overwhelming force, is going to have it's brilliant and intended effect. Most Iraqis, including top brass, KNOW (or soon will know) that resistance is futile. This is part of the reason the US-UK armored column is now heading for the oilfields (backed up with air power), even before the "air war."

The massive air/bomb strike campaign called "Shock and Awe" may not even be necessary (let's hope).

Those few Iraqi units that don't understand that resistance is futile soon will. The whole thing will unravel fast as most all Iraqis just try to save their skins.

If this comes off as I'm guessing it well might, kudos indeed to the military planners and to the Bush administration for a war without massive carnage.
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