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Old 04-28-2005, 10:04 AM
MrMon MrMon is offline
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Default Re: Sexton Joins the \"Reraise\" Club

Diva. It's not a nice term. It's an insult. Look it up.

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I see your point, but I think you might be missing the fact that folks KNOW it's not a "nice term."

Think "bitch." Sure, it's not a "nice term," but a lot of women use it to describe themselves or their friends in a sort of endearing way.

The day they start using the "c-word" in the same way is the day we'll know something peculiar is happening.

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You give people too much credit. They think it's a fancy work for "star".

I know of no one who uses "bitch" as a term of endearment outside of people in the 'hood or Paris Hilton. More a Hollywood invention of people trying to be cool rather than an everyday usage, at least here in the red states. Here, it's still a major insult.
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