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Old 04-28-2005, 01:31 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Sexton Joins the \"Reraise\" Club

I hadn't considered the difference between 'use' and 'utilize'...but there are a couple others that do bug me.
I admit to not knowing what the technical differences are between these words but i believe they might be similar in a trying-to-sound-pretentious way.

One is 'differential' and 'difference'.
"There is a 10 second DIFFERENTIAL between the shot-clock and the game-clock."
How is that any different than a 10 second DIFFERENCE between the shot-clock and the game-clock?
It really annoys the crap out of me and the rare sports-caster that actually says DIFFERENCE instead of DIFFERENTIAL truly impresses me.

Another is done by some late-night jazz DJ's types as well as snooty authors at book-readings.
"Miles Davis from the album ENTITLED Snobby-DJ's."
Why is it ENTITLED? Isn't that just a pretentious way of saying TITLED?

Don't feel like going to a dictionary site so feel free to flame-away at ignorance if I'm way off on these.

FWIW - I saw the KTo hand where VVP commented.
I believe it was 4-handed and it looked like a steal attempt AND he was in the big-blind. Calling it a 'real' hand was actually appropriate in this situation.

That zip-and-pip and fluff-and-puff show crap has GOT to go though.

I'm especially picky about my sports-broadcasters having formerly been one. I don't think the excuse that they aren't trained to do it is legitimate. If they aren't good at it then they shouldn't be doing it. And Mike and Vince are just not very good at what they do imo.
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