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Old 04-26-2005, 04:30 PM
Siegmund Siegmund is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 415
Default Re: General low limit theory? - Help Me Please!

Remember to look at the big picture. Opponents who play 6-2 are opponents who are going to make you a lot more money than they cost you. Limit is all about The Long Run.

Were your home games limit or NL? If they were NL, forget everything you think you know about the game. You are playing a new game now. (OK, I exaggerate - but forget everything you think you know about starting hands and when to raise.)

Reading Super System or Holdem Poker for Advanced Players is, frankly, going to hurt you a lot more than it helps you, at this point. An M-16 should not be the first gun you ever pick up and try to shoot. Some of the tricks only work against deep-thinking opponents. Some of the tricks are only applicable at certain times, and are very expensive mistakes used at the wrong time. (When I started out at the 25/50 cent tables, I did OK feeling my way along by common sense... and DESTROYED my game when a friend loaned me HPFAP. I took a month off, started fresh with the basics, and did much better.)

Take a deep breath. Read Jones and/or Miller. Slowly work your way up. And remember when you feel yourself put on tilt, it's time to take a break not get mad and try to get even with the guy who sucked out on you
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