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Old 04-26-2005, 01:31 AM
yaaaflow yaaaflow is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 14
Default Re: STAY AWAY FROM Check N Raise Poker

1) THEY are Canadian therefore infallible!!!!!!
How dare I question anything associated with Canada!!!
(The level of stupidity involved in this argument is self-evident and requires little response)

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No one said they were Canadian and therefore infallible, they were just informing you of a mistake in your post - as you did to the people who mentioned the figure of $17. The $17 figure is unimportant, but you were sure to point out that the figure is infact not $17. Same goes for the site being run out of Canada, or managed out of Canada and hosted in the Caribean, or any other setup for that matter.
2)EVERY Site does it !!!!
This is not true. But even if most of them do it, it IS IRRELEVEANT!! It is IRRRELEVANT!!! What does it take for YOU IDIOTS to read my point?????? Holdiong money hostage is WRONG! If you disagree, you must of course never ask for change at the gas pump or in the market. If you do ask for change, you have MADE MY POINT!!!!!

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Your logic is terribly flawed. When I walk into a gas station and they have a sign up saying "Till is broken. Exact change only." then I would expect to not receive change if I overpaid. If I sign up for a site which doesn't allow withdraws less than $50 I would expect to be unable to withdraw less than $50. You agreed to their rules when you signed up on their site.

If you're willing to admit you didn't properly research the site before depositing and that your only legitimate problem is with their poor/rude/unhelpful support then I would support you 100%, because that is a real complaint.
Not being able to withdraw <$50 is not a legitimate complaint since that is their rule which you have agreed to.
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