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Old 04-26-2005, 12:47 AM
Vincent Lepore Vincent Lepore is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default Re: Roy Cooke on Cheating and Cheaters

I recently wrote two articles about cheating in poker in a general way.

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It might help him prove his articles on cheating are worth something and keep his job if he can show that Cheating is rampant. Who better to help with that than the self proclaimed grand poobah of cheaters.

The bottom line is that cheating exists

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That ain't a bottom line. The bottom line is "I have proof that cheating exists and this is it".

When Russ tells you he s an expert on cheating, he ain t lying.

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Note that he never provides any proof that Russ is a cheater. He evens says that he didn't play poker with him. So how is he so sure of Russ's prowess?

He tends to overstate the case to make his point. But that doesn t mean the case should be ignored.

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I think that this point is open for debate. I disagree with Mr. Cooke.

I do not know that every detail of cheating described by Russ is true.

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O.K so what details do you know are true? Which details can you verify from first hand knowledge and not hearsay?

When he describes specific incidents, I wasn t there and I don t know though I have heard some of the same stories Russ has told from other (more?) credible

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So Russ is not credible? Or am I imgining he is saying that?

I would guess there is at least a kernel of truth in a lot of Russ s accusations

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A kernal of truth! "I guess"! Wow is he for real?

The fact that when he names names he doesn t get sued is telling to me, although I have been told by some the reason they don t sue is that they could never collect.

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Telling? Look, not only might these fellows not collect they might find it very expensive and time consuming to sue. They might find that jurors might not be very sympathetic towards professional gamblers. Give me a break.

Mind you, this is not a blanket endorsement of everything Russ says there s lots I just don t have knowledge about.

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Just what is it an endoresment of? Russ says a lot of industry people are cheating. Is Cooke confirming this? Just what is he confirming? Nothing that I can tell.

As you play higher, the likelihood of being effectively cheated grows with each level you
step up. If you play VERY high regularly (I m guessing most rgpers don t) it is almost a certainty that you will eventually run into some form of cheating

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Wow! Is he saying that the 4-8k game at Bellagio is a cheaters game. He never plays higher than 30-60. How does he know that there is cheating at the higher limits. Sklansky plays the higher limits all the time. Not once has he written about cheting in his games.

That's enough for now. I don't know if Roy Cooke really wrote this. If he did and I were posting on RGP I'd reply "Hey how about being a little more specific. Give us some reason (proof) to believe that you know what you are talking about". Show me the money!

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