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Old 04-25-2005, 10:16 PM
drexah drexah is offline
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Posts: 101
Default Could David Blaine Take Over the World?

I really think he could...anyone else see those two shows (hour long) on TLC of him and his tricks, almost as crazy as the documentation of his 3 days frozen in a cube of ice in times square w/o food, 44 days in a glass box on a crane w/o food, 3 days standing on top of a 100 foot pillar w/o food? I think his magic tricks are even more amazing, going up to random people and knowing they have wives/girlfriends/whatever in other countries, burning a hole in his shirt, to reveal tattoo's of the random peoples loved ones...or buying a homeless guy 3 random scratch tickets, telling him to pick one and throw the other two away, hands him a gold coin to scratch it, and the guy hits the jackpot, winning every prize on the ticket? Crazy stuff..i think he could take over the world.
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