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Old 04-25-2005, 09:08 PM
goodguy_1 goodguy_1 is offline
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Default Re: Predicting BB/100 based on other stats

yes me too.All your examples obviously work out when you plug in the numbers but I'm getting a + 0.35bb/100 winrate but I have very extreme stats being that my $VPIP,my W$WSF are on the low side but my $WSD is very high.
I was looking forward to this working but it doesnt jibe for me.Even if I take my VPIP up 3 percentage points my bb/100 is still only 1.68bb/100.If I take my VPIP up 6 percentage points I get 2.52bb/100.
Part of the problem is you are looking at $15-30.At $15-30 with the more liberal blind structure you should have a VPIP in the low twenties.In $3-6 w/it's tight blind structure you dont need to be 20% VPIP to have excellent winrates you can have 16% VPIP.
Your model may only work for the game you based it on ...$15-30 LHE or perhaps with just some tweaking it would work well for $3-6.All I know is I have funky stats and it is'nt working for me.Great post !I'm curious to see how others at $15-30 feel?
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