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Old 04-25-2005, 02:28 PM
dutchbrodymoss dutchbrodymoss is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: New york
Posts: 95
Default Wall Street Vs. Law School Vs. Graduate School

So. I'm about to wrap up college this summer. And I'm trying to decide on what I want to do with my life. I'm currently attending a top-ten school, and my grades put me in the top 25% of my class. However, I have no idea with what to do with my life.

I've had limited internship experience, and so far I have yet to start searching for jobs (I'm finishing school in three years).

I'm wondering, at this point in time, which career option would be best. I want to have a job where I will earn a decent amount of money, so i'll have some capital to start up a business at some point in time. So that's where the debate between law school and working on wall street comes in.

At the same time, sometimes I'm really sickened by the materialism that drives our culture. Hence graduate school, and giving something back to the world.

what do you guys think?

If i go work on wall street, i'm thinking about applying to some entry level stock broker. I might check out some finance firms, but I have no econ background. What would you guys recommened?

so yeah. basically, the question is...

law school vs some sort of job on wallstreet (and if you recommend wall street, what would you recommend vs getting away from all the nonsense and going to grad school and getting a phd of some sort.

what are your thoughts?
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