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Old 04-25-2005, 02:01 PM
McMelchior McMelchior is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Location: New York, New York
Posts: 66
Default Re: What exactly is a big stack

You question is somewhat unclear.

I would say no matter the size of your stack it's not a good idea to "start splashing it around".

If you're asking about chip requirements for making moves or applying a bullying strategy, then it is something that has little to do with your stack/blind ratio, and everything to do with your reads on other players and the ratio of your stack to their stacks and their current engagement in the pot.

It has very recently been discussed how the ratio between your stack and the average stack has little meaning.

And yes, if nobody has entered the pot you can benefit from raising from the button with a wider scope of hands than from any other position. But I'm not sure that was what you were asking about?


McMelchior (Johan)
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