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Old 04-25-2005, 11:39 AM
RandomUser RandomUser is offline
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Default Re: A situation I struggle with

I agree that there are a lot of sneaky folk out there (myself included) who will simply call with their higher pair and wait till 5th street to checkraise you once you've commited a lot more money to the pot.

One trick to avoid this is to go ahead and bet 4th street, but check 5th street behind if you are unimproved to avoid the checkraise.

The counter to this for the higher pair is to do your checkraise on 4th and bet out on 5th.

The reason I do this is that I will often do the same thing with 9TQs as I do with 9QQ. If I do this, my opponent is put in a real bind, not knowing if I am checkraising him with Qs or Qs up or on a straight/flush hand that is busted.

If you do this as a semibluff and your opponent folds, feel free to show him what you had to raise his tilt level. (One of my favorite hands doing this I had pocket 2s with an A up and checkraise unimproved on 5th street and the guy tossed Ks up. He went ballistic when I showed him my hand)

Most people will fold their unimproved Js on 5th to a checkraise in this instance. So if they call me I know they have Js up or similar and I can slow down.
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