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Old 04-25-2005, 04:15 AM
FieryJustice FieryJustice is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 290
Default Re: Magic: The Gathering

Well, where I am from, most people play only Type 1 so needless to say, I am pretty good at it. I have won 3 black lotus tourneys, where the rake was HUGE. My T1 rating is 1948, like it matters all that much. It is kinda cool to be #28 in the world at something that doesnt matter at all. I have won 3 PTQs but I didnt go to any of them, as they were all overseas.
I dont play much anymore except for black lotus tourneys and big events that come close to town. I am planning on going to regionals in Atlanta although I dont know if I will play monoU or T&N. Both of them are damn good.
I think it is cool that basically a few of my MtG friends got me into poker playing for $10 buyins and then I surpassed them all. I feel kinda bad when they ask me over to play at their house for $10 buyin games and I say no because I am going to sit at home in front of the computer and play $215 sngs. Oh well. If any of you are going to be at regionals in ATL, Let me know. We can hook up and play come cards.

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