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Old 04-22-2005, 03:12 PM
BigChris407 BigChris407 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 15
Default All in on flush draw

I am very interested in poker theory and especially love applying theory to MTT games because of the different dynamics depending on where you are in the tour. and what your goals are. Let me know if I am leaving out any valuable info.
Lets say I'm an internet tour. player and have a bankroll of about 300 dollars. I enter a 30 dollar entry chip tour and amazingly make it all the way to the WSOP and make it to say 25th place. Now obviously with my bankroll I'm not going to get a chance to win 5 mill plus so if I have a flush draw and am facing bad odds pot wise but will give me a commanding chip lead and am confident that I will not throw it all away quickly, is it right to go all in with bad odds because having that advantage at those stakes makes it better to try for the big win even though it's not the "best choice" odds wise. And if this is the case, what situations commonly come up that this would apply to in a less extreme example.
I hope this makes sense.

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