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Old 04-22-2005, 12:56 PM
dr_venkman dr_venkman is offline
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Default Re: So you have proof GOD exists

God is a Sadist

That's what Al Pacino says in "Devil's Advocate". He's a tight-ass, a Deadbeat Dad, an absentee landlord.

Aside from having a hard time believing that God exists at all, is the difficulty getting over the notion that this Supreme Being notices or cares what happens to the fate of humans.

Maybe out of sheer boredom he created mankind and once he realized that the new expiriment wasn't as cool as he hoped he didn't have the heart to un-create his children. So he sets them on a distant planet and lets them go unchecked. All the time the people still worship him and believe that one day, given enough blessings and good deeds, he might come back and fix things.

That goes beyond faith and into the realm of fantasy.
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