Thread: Buying a house
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Old 04-21-2005, 06:56 PM
ScottTheFish ScottTheFish is offline
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Default Re: Buying a house


think about what you typed. then think about it some more. then think about what the stock market generally returns if you are long term investor. then think about what a typical mortgage interest rate is. then tell me again why paying your mortgage off early is smart?

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No need for the insulting tone, I understand all that. It's all about your risk tolerence level I guess. Debt = risk.

If my mortgage rate is 5%, and I can get 8-9% from mutual funds (Don't tell me about the 20% returns you got in the last week, i invest for the long term) The 3% extra I get for those few years is worth less to ME that the peace of mind and awesome cash flow I can get from living in a paid off home. YMMV.

I'm not talking about 15 years, I'm talking about paying it off in 7 or 8. That's the beauty of not buying "the biggest house you can possibly afford"

If your portfolio is so huge that the 3% extra over 8 years comes out to a huge amount, I see your point.
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