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Old 04-21-2005, 03:01 PM
Gramps Gramps is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Oaktown
Posts: 124
Default Re: Middle stages....survive or accumulate? (somehwat long)

With 1100 at 50/100, realize that (generally speaking) the tangible value of each chip you're accumulating is less than the tangible value of each chip you're losing. That is, going from 1100 to 600 is worse than going from 1100 to 1600 is good. By losing 500, you've pretty much completely shot your fold equity at the next level and are much more likely to have to make a stand with a marginal hand (and have to win a showdown with it). By winning 500, you're definitely in a better spot, but you had good fold equity regardless, and having 1600 chips isn't going to give you much more (if any) of an edge to steal chips, etc.

Doesn't mean you become a pussy - you still pick your good battles, just don't jizz over the first opportunity to get all your chips (or a portion of your chips) in in a coin flip-type spot. At least at the higher buy-ins, having fold equity for the 100/200 level is something that shouldn't be pissed away too readily (IME at least).

Edit: At the $20+2 level, fold equity may not be as much of an issue since people will call you more, etc., but as you move up the above applies more.
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