Thread: State of Iraq
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Old 04-21-2005, 12:04 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: State of Iraq

The political goals of the Baathists and the radical Islamists are clear, what's not so clear are the political goals of what are referred to as the Iraqi Nationalists. Violence and destruction perpetrated against the Iraqi citizenry and Iraqi assets with no political goals is mindless and criminal. The political goals of the Baathists and radical Islamists are oppressive to say the least and evil seems an apt description to me. Nobody really can give a definitive answer on the exact makeup of the insurgency in terms of percentages. I note that attacks against U.S. troops have declined 22% since the Iraqi elections and attacks against the Iraqi citizenry and Iraqi security forces have inreased in kind. I further note that the Iraqi government has reached out to the "Nationalists" more than once with an offer of amnesty but there doesn't seem to be any movement there. I also note that the Iraqi political process gives the Kurds and Sunnis a great deal of political power. A link to the depiction of the insurgency which I think is fair:

Iraqi Insurgency

From the article:

Still, the New York Times article also references military data suggesting roughly 80 percent of violent attacks in Iraq were simply criminal in nature –e.g., ransom kidnappings and hijacking convoys- and without political motivation.

Former Regime Loyalists [FRL]
Sunni Arabs, dominated by Ba’athist and Former Regime Elements (FRE), comprise the core of the insurgency.

The loyalists of the criminal Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein represent the core of the insurgency and are continuing their criminal activities in Iraq. The radical Islamics are promoting terror and murdering innocent civiliams. The insurgency is a far cry from the likes of revolutionaries that leftist propoganda portrays them as.
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