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Old 04-21-2005, 02:06 AM
Daliman Daliman is offline
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Posts: 382
Default Sorta game theory question, I guess.

Let's say you are playing a hand of poker, and you have a very good hand all the way to the end. At the end, however, a card hits that makes your hand a bit vulnerable. Your opponent checks, and let's just say for the sake of argument you WILL have the best hand 85% of the time. If you bet and have the best hand, you may or may not get paid off, but if it helps the exercise, let's say 60% of the time that you bet and are winning, you will get paid off. If you bet and get raised, you will call every time. Do not factor for getting checkraised with a worse hand, as that can be offset by you 3 betting with the worse hand, so for these purposes, let's not use it.

Given no additional info regarding betting patterns, tells, etc, would it then be proper to bet it 100% of the time? Or 85%? Is there a specific formula?
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