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Old 04-20-2005, 08:15 PM
iMsoLucky0 iMsoLucky0 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Re: What\'s the deal with PokerStars O8 75/150 tables?

I just got clearance for these tables on Monday. I emailed them a few weeks ago, and they finally just now called me. They just asked me if I was who I said I was and if I still wanted clearance, and then they gave it to me. No big deal.

I did have a friend who got clearance who got a call from Lee Jones personally and Lee gave him a speech about not going bust and stuff, but I talked to Sharon somethingorother and she just asked if I wanted clearance. It could be because my friend is a real high-roller on their site with a bunch of big tourney wins, I don't know.
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