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Old 04-20-2005, 02:47 PM
jnalpak jnalpak is offline
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Default Bathroom Etiquette Part II (Toilet)

Bathroom Etiquette Part II - Toilet

You have a row of 5 toilets to choose from, all are vacant and flushed. Which one do you choose and why?

Do you give a courtesy flush as it comes out?
Do you just let it loose and smile like an evil villain who just unleashed stinky vengeance on Gotham City?

I really don’t have much to say on this Part II except that I find it quite odd that people don’t lay paper on the seat or take the provided "seat protector" and use it to their advantage. Its f#%kin gross to hear the door fly open and have some guy sit down and boom he's flying at the seat of his pants with no courtesy flush....his bare ass is exposed to doodie backwash (at least the protector sort of protects)!!!!
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