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Old 04-20-2005, 08:10 AM
Transference Transference is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Huntsville, TX
Posts: 103
Default Re: The piece of sh*t didn\'t get enough of a beating if you ask me...

It took a while for this point to come up.

Law enforcement officers have alot of power. They carry loaded weapons. They are trained to shoot only to kill. There are very specific guidlines about when to use force and what kind to use.

When you take the badge you agree to never under any circumstances to use inappropriate force. I don't want there to be a single exception. I don't want a cop to ever be able to use force because he is angry, I don't care what the provocation is.

Police are most definatly held to a higher standard and its a dam good thing. You want to be a cop? Then you agree that you don't get to hurt people because it makes you feel better. Never. It's very simple and it doesnt matter if your buddy just got clipped or your having a bad day. You don't get to hurt people because it makes you feel better. If there is any scenario where you couldnt control yourself then guess what, your not qualified to be a police officer.

These guys knew it when they took the job. They agreed that they would never under any circumstances beat the hell out of someone and that if they did they should be punished.

It's human nature to want to hurt someone who hurts you or someone you care about. It's also sadism, deriving pleasure from other's pain. Animals don't do it, people it seems brag about it.
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