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Old 04-19-2005, 04:28 PM
frozenhops frozenhops is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Chicago
Posts: 41
Default Re: Flop nut flush draw, Turn top pair?

My thinking (on the turn) was along the lines of what fox had wrote. Obviously I would not have called the turn bet if I didn't feel my ace had a decent chance at being good, or at the very least giving me a few extra outs if he had 2pair.

If the SB came over the top AND the BB subsequently called, this would in theory give me correct odds to chase the flush correct? The pot would have been around $95 and I would have had to put in $30ish for 3:1.

Another odds question. As per my weak flop call. I understand putting in $10 into a $19 is bad odds, but I felt I could get the rest of his $32ish (being that I had observed BB being aggressive) if I had hit on the turn. Are these implied odds (5:1) good enough to make the call? Or do I not actually make most of that profit as he might be scared of a flush/higher flush.
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