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Old 04-18-2005, 02:38 PM
Smoothcall Smoothcall is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7
Default Re: Huck Seed Bluffs Into Dry Side Pot, Etc.

On the first point about wheter he should puch the A6. Granted its possible there may have been factors that brought him to that decision. But the standard play is to move in and is sounded like you were defending his play. So when you aswered you must have been thinking of the standard play as well. I'm not looking at your reply right now so can't say for sure. But in general you better be pushing most of the time in that spot. The factors must be pretty severe not to move in. And knowing a littel about how sklansky play i doubt he was rasiing every hand up to that point. But can't say for sure.

On the 2nd point you are changing your statement now. The argument was you said many players would RATHER move in with 107 off than A6. So instead of saying ok maybe i was wrong there. You instead divert from that and say. Well you dont want to get called with either. That wasn't the point or statement you were making. The point was which would you RATHER have. Do you see this? But then you say the A6 would be a value push and the other a pure bluff. So if the A6 is a value push and the other is a pure blure which do you think players would rather have? Anyway not meaning to attack but your statement was wrong and trying to discuss that.
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