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Old 04-17-2005, 09:52 PM
Bluffoon Bluffoon is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184
Default Re: perfecting a gift idea for Sarah

ok .. heres the deal:

i know its kinda random but i found what to get sarah for her b-day on may 13th and already ordered it....she's never seen starwars 1 or 2 so i got both of them for her since she likes star plan is to get a big box & fill it with who knows what & tape the DVDs to the lid ....i especially like hiding the small gift in a big box that weighs a lot with nothing but crap inside so she'll open it up and have to pretend to like whatever nonsense i put in there until she realizes what i REALLY got her

i need help:

1) figuring out what to fill the box with.

2) other ideas on what funny stuff i could do with that original idea.


PS- she got me a DVD of philhartman's greatest hits from SNL for no reason 2 weeks ago.

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The star wars thing is great. Maybe get one of those big cans of popcorn and tape them to the lid of that?

Also maybe get her some jewelry (silver is reasonable) and some flowers. For some inexplicable reason they really like this stuff. Send the flowers to wherever she works if you can on her birthday.

I find that I am hopeless buying jewelry so I always try to go with stuff that is similiar in concept to what they are wearing and after I buy it I run it by a female friend or two to make sure that I didnt pick out something she is going to be horrified to wear.
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