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Old 04-17-2005, 04:11 PM
Orpheus Orpheus is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 178

I don't use that particular site, but it quite likely wouldn't need to do screen scraping. Most poker clients save everything in the chat window to a textfile (usually under an extension other than .txt).

You can scroll up and see a conversation that took place hours ago, or change the window to "show everything" mode and see each game laid out seat-by-seat, round by round. That info was stored on your computer all along, but you rarely ever use it.

It would be wasteful to store all that info in RAM, so it is instead recorded in a textfile that is deleted when you close the client (or when you leave the table, depending on the site). Another program can simply read that text file and filter for the lines/data that matter to you.

Some site clients don't bother updating the "Last Modified" file stamp every time they add a line, but you can still spot them because they will have been created when you strated the client or sat down at the table. For obviosu reasons, most of the client's files never change, except during updates, so you'll only have to check a couple of file in Notepad to figure out how they name the chat session files (e.g. MMDDYYY-TABLENUM.CHT) Once you've done that, the rest is easy.
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