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Old 04-14-2005, 10:23 AM
naphand naphand is offline
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Default Re: Different styles for BB defens

Standard HFAP and TOP stuff really. A bet is always better than a free card when you are ahead, even when they are correct to call. Standard plays are fine, but the "standard" often does not differ much EV-wise from another "non-standard" play and will cetainly change quite significantly during a game according to your image and who you are playing etc.

Think on this. What will be the effect of CR the flop against an opponent who has only seen you bet out thus far? Will he be more likely to call you down, or more likely to fold? Your take on his reaction should be one of the determining factors in deciding how to play a given hand.

Obviously standard lines work, but sooner or later as we develop as players and move on to play better quality games, the standard line is not going to be enough. Developing additional moves (and they do not have to be "Fancy Play Syndrome") that you can use to specifically control or confuse an opponent, and understanding how they affect the play of a hand, is completely necessary if we are to becomes better, skilful players.
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