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Old 04-14-2005, 06:07 AM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Re: Why Geniuses Don\'t Make Money

Yes. But I'm willing to lay 5-1 odds. Meanwhile I neglected to mention that another way geniuses make money is through patenting their inventions.

The bottom line is that even if geniuses were as bad as some say in "people skills" they would still be on average richer than all but near geniuses who had those skills. That may not have been as true 100 years ago. But nowadays so much of what makes the world go round depends on stuff that only the smartest people have a prayer of fully understanding. In fact the rest of the people of the world should be grateful that geniuses are not a greedy bunch. If they organized and went on strike I'm sure they could significantly incresase their net worth just by this maneuver since it would force everybody else to admit how dependent on them they really are (contrast that to the air traffic controllers strike that Reagen busted with slightly inferior replacements. You can't find replacements for the smartest 500,000 people on the planet. The next 500,000 have no prayer of duplicating their work).

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How does this arguement apply? The smartest scientists are all in grant funded pure research labs. If they went on strike, not very many people would notice because the only thing that is taken away hasn't even been invented/discovered yet.
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