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Old 04-13-2005, 03:05 PM
warewulf warewulf is offline
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Default Re: Kems vs Copags (AGAIN?? Yes again)

KEM is currently in between production because of the buyout/changeover to USPC. The only decks available seem to be mostly rejects of poor quality. Plus who knows what quality their new decks will be if/when they start making them.

I recently got a double deck of the "CA Cardroom" backs from, a green and brown deck. The brown was fine, but the green was terrible, did not slide on the felt at all. I emailed them and they sent me a replacement green deck that was as bad as the other. I then emailed them again, had to send both green decks back. They then sent me an opened green deck (I told them to open it and make sure they're decent) and another brown deck. The green deck was great, but missing the Jack of Clubs. I emailed them AGAIN. They refunded my money.

Because of this and other similar experiences I have read about, I dont suggest anyone buy Kem until they get their Sh1t together. In the meantime, Copag is the best choice.
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