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Old 02-24-2003, 03:12 AM
Zeno Zeno is offline
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Default Re: Norm Pie-in-the-sky Chomsky

He said something about the U.S. plans for global domination, although nothing really specific was stated, as far as I can recall. Peasants being driven off land in Bolivia by "chemical warfare" (his term), rebels in Columbia, I think being killed by US support (arms support?), the evils of every corporation in existence, and other such ramblings, everything he said was in some way tied to the mother of all demons: America. At least, that was my impression of his speech; it did not flow in a particularly coherent manner.

I did not listen to all of his speech because - I arrived at the Mall before he could finish, and quietly turned off the radio, went inside and paid my dues to Capitalism in all of its meanness and evil. The sox I purchased were on sale. The book was not.

His ilk usually has a few salient points, all the more to dupe their following.

I find torture abhorrent and do not advocate it for any reason (did not we have a discussion of this a few months back?).


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