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Old 04-12-2005, 07:56 PM
Greg J Greg J is offline
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Location: Baton rouge LA
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Default Is there a pro intenet gambling lobby in the US?

Just wondering if any of you internet gambling policy wonks know. I know most of us that are Americans in here would love for internet gambling in the U.S. to be unambigously legal. Is there a lobby, or a PAC, or some sort of organized interests that express views friendly to legel intenet gambling in the U.S?

If not, why not? I'm not advocating we start one... but I have certainly seen dumber ideas floated in the zoo (I think). Or perhaps start supporting those interests that already exist (or maybe some of you *AHEM*Cubswins*GrannyMae*AHEM* do this already -- if indeed they do exist).
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