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Old 02-22-2003, 11:07 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Touching on a few points.

"Do I hate nationalism? Well, it depends. I admit that Iīm not too much of a patriot. I do favour the national sportsguys on events or my local team, but thatīs pretty as much as my patrotism goes. We havenīt done anything to be born or raised in one or another country, so I donīt see too many reasons to be proud of that matter of fact, no matter what citizen someone happens to be. And I admit that I think if everybody thought that way, there wouldnīt have been and still be as many wars as there are."

Fair enough, I respect that viewpoint, and it has merit IMO.

"Well, thatīs what you think. But I can assure you that I do put some effort to learn more. Simply for the matter of fact that big parts of the world (and this includes europeans, too) are afraid of the USA. I donīt know whether you have ever been in europe, but all in all Iīve spent about half a year in the USA."

Yes I've been to Europe but certainly I wouldn't claim to be very knowledgable at all about customs, morals, and laws of the countries I visited. Being in the USA for 6 months isn't a guarantee of anything. Your statements about religion in the role of that religion and the USA indicates to me a lack of knowledge.

"Well, I think you are right on this one. But part of the reason why I posted my post was that I was in the USA for vacational reason 2 weeks ago. Iīve seen this propaganda for war in all the TV-stations."

Could you elaborate? Are you saying that the news media is utilizing propoganda (lots of news sources in the USA btw so if you can remember specific ones that would be helpful)? The US government? Both?

"Not that america wants to go to war (although I am shocked about this, but that was not part of my post), "

They want Saddam disarmend the stated positions of Blair, Bush, Annan, Blix, etc. There's more or less unanimous agreement in the UN about that.

"I simply was shocked about the propaganda, which Iīve never seen before. And suddenly, these innocent words "God bless America" became part of the propaganda to me."

It would be wrong to refer to unilateral opinions in the USA. There is no doubt that some in the USA that believe the USA is entitled to devine guidance and intervention. I'm certain it's not the majority opinion though. The USA govt is secular and there is ongoing struggle here, in the USA, to have it remain that way.
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