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Old 04-12-2005, 10:24 AM
bookish bookish is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 16
Default I\'m really really sorry (a confession)

So I've been reading this forum (great), reading various poker books and building up my skills.

Always at very low limits, but I have been consistently profitable over about 200SNG (ITM ~47, ROI ~30).

But things have recently started to go wrong. Firstly
a string of bad luck has reduced my wins, and increased
my seconds, and that reduced my income. My head-up play
is not too bad, and I'm satisfied that it was just variance, and then all of a sudden I've started playing abysmally. Properly stupid. You know the muppets you see
going all-in on the second hand with poor hands - its me!

Two hands stick out:
1: Blinds 10/20, stacks even (~1500) 9 players.
UTG raises to 40
I'm dealt Ah,Kh - re-raise to 100
UTG re-raises to 500.

Thinks: He's got aces or Kings I should fold.
So, I call to see the flop, miss and fold to a bet. He shows aces/

2: First hand of a SNG(I know, I am *so* ashamed)
Dealt AQs in CO.
MP raises to 100. I call
Flop comes Q-High rainbow.
MP pushes.
Thinks: Right, he's on aces or Kings, I should fold.
Re-thinks: I've seen so many maniacs bluff here I'm going to call. So I do, and he's got Kings.

All you guys give your time and effort to make me a better
poker player, and it appears not to be working at all.
At least recently. I think there is no hope.

You at least though have the consolation that the money I have recently lost (only about $40 out of $400) has gone to you.

Sorry for the long, boring post.

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