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Old 04-11-2005, 09:17 PM
helpmeout helpmeout is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default Re: Multi tabling sharks may not kill this thing after all. (Long)

You dont find 8 guppies at mid-high limits you find them at 2/4 and 50c/$1.

When you move up higher you'll find 7-8 TAGs and one real bad player.

And yes my table selection is pretty damn good.

As BK says you make money from TAGs that suck. When there is only one guy throwing money away you only get your share.

So you make additional money from the weak TAGs. These guys play a solid game at levels like 3/6 and below where you dont need to do too much because there are a lot of bad players.

At higher limits better players will pickup your tendencies and make money from you.

Good players will pickup on any weakness you have as well as your predictable play. They will know what your hand ranges are and that you will fold certain holdings to a 3bet or to a turn checkraise.

And if you are a 15/8 rock the whole table will fold when you raise in early/mid position but they will attack your blinds with anything.
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