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Old 02-21-2003, 01:24 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Polls, Palestinians and the Path to Peace (short article)

Now that's what I would call a lot of doublespeak.

The Arabs, the Palestinians have never stopped attacking Israel, really--before the arguably "illegal" occupation or after--Hamas is avowed to push Israel into the sea--the average Palestinian polled would not be willing to accept peaceful coexistence alongside Israel--and you're asking Israel to voluntarily give up some land now. What, pray tell, is the guarantee that if Israel withdraws from the occupied terrirtories, it won't continue to be attacked from a closer vantage point (as before)? And given the prevailing Palestinian sentiment, along with the charter of Hamas and so forth, why on Earth would Israel do this?

The Palestinians/Arabs have never allowed Israel a reasonable period of peace--and there's no reason to think they will now if Israel withdraws.

Until the Palestinians can fetter their mad dogs (or perhaps call on Israel to do it for them if they are truly incapable), and until such time as the average Palestinian would be willing to live peacefully alongside Israel, I can see no prospect for true peace--the only peace that might be possible would be akin to a Berlin-wall type of standoff.

Israel is simply not going to cede territories as long as it knows that so doing will only result in being attacked from a closer vantage point--nor should Israel be expected to do so.
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