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Old 04-11-2005, 12:58 PM
bigt439 bigt439 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 134
Default Re: 200 NL Buy-in What happened here?

This is more of a question for maranello, but it is not directed just at him, but more generally at the forum collectively. I find that a lot of people make very bizarre assumptions on some of these hands that really oversimplify the hand. In your post you say you put the preflop raiser on KK or QQ. HOW? He made a standard raise from UTG+2, unless you have the most extensive of notes on this player there is absolutely no way you can narrow down his hand range that well. And then you say a smooth call by the button probably means he has TT? That is one of the most arbitrary reads I have ever seen. Even when swolfe replied he said the preflop raiser probably had KK. Now granted there is more information when swolfe makes this read, and it is a very possible hand for him to hold, but there are so many hands he could make this move with that I'm not sure that singling out just one is good for analyzing this hand. I know this kind of seems like a rant, and I don't intend that. No disrespect to either poster, especially swolfe because I've seen some good posts by him, I just don't like how a lot of these posts put people on such specific hands. Alot of people respond to these hands as if everyone playing them has the skill of an average 2+2er and they don't. Not even close. Most people that play the 1/2 game are just flat out bad. Now they're bad for many different reasons, but my point is that they do not have to have the hands you would have making the same move. I guess this is just a general reminder that you have to keep an open-mind when analyzing these hands and remember you're not playing against yourself, and almost never someone better than you, so consider what they would do in that situastion. This is why reads are so important, and should be posted much more frequently with hands. As for this hand fold, you're beat too often to call, and when you are ahead its not by much. The min raise is ugly, but I guess you know that by now.
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