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Old 04-10-2005, 02:45 PM
DavidC DavidC is offline
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Default Re: \"Dear bison...\" OR \"Let me help you help me help you\"

I am moving out of my parent's house very soon, and I don't know how to wash clothes. Should I even bother with it?

Bother with moving out of your parents' house? Yes.
Bother learning how to wash clothes? Yes.

The basics: take clothing off floor, look at tag - if it says it's not dry clean only, throw it in the hamper. When hamper is full, sort clothes (and at least once a month your sheets and towels for fu[/i]ck's sake) into two piles: whites-brights vs. dark colors. If you have enough to make it worthwhile you can also separate your whites from your brights. Each piles get washed separately. Put a washer-load of clothes (typically the washer should be 3/4 full and not heavily compacted) from any given pile, add generic liquid detergent (like Tide) in appropriate recepticle, insert quarters, press correct button (whites/brights/colors), start wash, come back in 45 minutes. Clear the drier's lint screen, move the clothes to the drier, insert quarters, start dry cycle, come back in an hour. Take clothes from dryer, put any shirt with buttons and any nice pants on clothes hangers, fold the rest, put them in appropriate clothes storage devices.

You're done.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think better advice would have been to ask your parents how to do laundry.

Jess' man, you're like two for two so far.

(with the exception that working might not be as bad as I make it out to be)
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