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Old 04-09-2005, 08:00 PM
pokergrader pokergrader is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 210
Default Re: A new poker analysis site that i\'ve been working on

To make things easier it might be smart to add a way to upload folders. That was i could upload an entire nights play without having to copy past 15 different hand hisories, I could just use to folder for tonight. I must say again though, sweet program. It showed me how poorly I played last night and that it wasn't the cards, it was my sorry ass that caused that downswing.

[/ QUOTE ]

The way a browsers file upload works, it is impossible to upload folders, but I have an easy trick for you.

Just go into a command window. (Start-->Run : cmd). Then CD to your EmpirePoker directory. Now CD into the directory that stores all the files you want to anaylse.

Type the command "type *.txt > session.txt"

That will take all the .txt files in the directory and add them to a file called session.txt, which you can then upload to pokergrader. Just make sure you move tourney hand histories out of the directory first, because they will mess up pokergrader (working on fixing that).

So here is the what the command history looks like for me:
cd \
cd "Program Files\EmpirePoker\HandHistory"
cd "username"
cd "20050409"
type *.txt > session.txt

Then I upload session.txt on the file upload page.
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