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Old 04-08-2005, 06:44 PM
spamuell spamuell is offline
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Default Re: Hello, Hi and How are ya! (and one hand for review)

Fold pre-flop, the first time.

With a probable 8 outs on the flop and no fold equity, your cap isn't for value against two opponents who certainly have better hands than you and are almost definitely taking them to showdown so just call the flop 3-bet.

Once you did cold-call and then cap the flop though, I'd bet the turn when you hit your hand, the board is four to a straight, your play has been scary and each opponent is probably worried both about you and the other opponent who is likely to hold a big pair. All of this means the turn is far too likely to get checked through. Also, in check-raising the turn you're making the BB face two bets cold which means you're much more likely to fold him out, which you don't want given he's probably drawing dead.

River is fine.
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